The California Tax Board Power of Attorney Declaration is used to grant authority or to receive confidential tax information, or to represent you before the Tax Board of California. The form can only be used in the State of California.
How to Fill the California Tax Board Power of Attorney Declaration
This document is divided into two parts of which one being the main form for the POA and detailed instructions. Begin the main form by providing the details of the taxpayer, fiduciary & business entity which should include the full and legal name, complete address with the city, state & zip code, SSN / ITIN / FEIN / C.A. Corp. Number / CA SOS Number, telephone & fax number.
After that, provide information about all the representative / agent which should include their full and legal name (first, middle, last), complete address with the city, state & zip code, IRS CAF No, PTIN, telephone & fax numbers & email address.
Next, taxpayer must give their authorization for the same by ticking the checkbox and it is also important to note that this power shall expire four years from the date this POA is signed and a new POA will have to be filed.
In the fourth section, the tax years or income period which shall be covered by the POA must be chosen and if any additional privileges are to be given to the agent, then they should be added and chosen in the fifth section of the form.
By filing this form you automatically revoke any prior POA’s related to this genre and if you wish to retain any prior agents then the box given in the sixth section must be checked and a copy of the relevant document must be attached.
Any non tax issues that you wish to include in this POA can be chosen in the seventh section followed by if you wish to authorize the agent to receive confidential information then the same must be specified and covered in the 8th section of the form.
Lastly, the document must be signed by the taxpayer or by the person who is authorized to give such powers along with their name and title.
In the end of the document as specified in the beginning, instructions are given which must be read carefully before signing the document.
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California Tax Board Power of Attorney Declaration