Texas Power of Attorney to Transfer a Motor Vehicle Form

The Texas Power of Attorney to Transfer a Motor Vehicle is used when you want someone else to make decisions on your behalf with regards to the transfer of a Motor Vehicle in the State of Texas. This form can only be used in the State of Texas.

How to Fill the Texas Power of Attorney to Transfer a Motor Vehicle Form

Begin this form with the full and legal name of the principle (first, middle, last) and the name of the county they reside in, followed by the full and legal name along with the name of the county and the state of residence of the individual who they wish to appoint as their agent in matters related to given vehicle.

After that, provide a detailed description of the vehicle that the principle wishes to transfer which may help in the identification. This should include; the year, make, body style, model, license plate number, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), Title / Document Number.

Next, the actual odometer reading must also be provided which should be true to the best of the owners knowledge and if it isn’t the actual reading then either of the boxes which state the reason for the same must checked.

Lastly, the document must contain the full and legal name (first, middle, last) of the owner followed by their signature and their complete address including their city, state & zip code.

It is important to note that the document must be read carefully before being signed, by doing so the owner certifies that the aforementioned information is true to the best of their knowledge and that they give complete authority to the agent to represent them in matters related to the given vehicle.

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Texas Power of Attorney to Transfer a Motor Vehicle Form