This is a Michigan Limited (Springing) Financial Power of Attorney Form it is used to create a limited power-of-attorney related to financial powers and real estate in the state of Michigan. Do note that this is a limited power-of-attorney hence it only remains in effect for the time it takes for your attorney-in-fact to complete the task that you have set out in this document.
How to complete this Michigan Limited (Springing) Financial Power of Attorney Form?
The first section of this form contains the following details; the notice which explains the various aspects of this power-of-attorney. The fact that this power of attorney ceases to stay in effect if you the principal are deemed incapacitated by a registered medical physician. You have the power to revoke this power of attorney any time, it is also considered revoked if you authorize a new limited power-of-attorney or if you authorize a power of attorney revocation from.
The second section of this form you must enter your own details like your full name, street address, city. Similarly you must enter the same details relating the person whom you are appointing as your attorney-in-fact. In the fact is section you can provide a detailed description of the exact powers that you are granting your attorney-in-fact. Also note that if you have appointed as your attorney-in-fact is either unwilling or unable to serve you can appoint a successor attorney-in-fact.
Do note that the attorney-in-fact must agree not to be compensated for acting in your presence but you can reimburse him or her for all food, travel and lodging expenses incurred by them when acting in your presence.
To complete this Michigan Limited (Springing) Financial Power of Attorney Form and make it legally binding you must date and sign this document in the spaces provided for it along with the attorney-in-fact. The attorney-in-fact must also acknowledge and accept his appointment and agree to act as an agent on your behalf. During the time of signing of this document it must also be witnessed by two adult witnesses. Finally a Notary Public must sign and seal this document to make it legally valid.
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Michigan Limited (Springing) Financial Power of Attorney Form
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Michigan Limited (Springing) Financial Power of Attorney Form