This is a Michigan Medical Power of Attorney Form which is used to create a durable power of attorney related to healthcare decisions in the state of Michigan. You can use this power-of-attorney to appoint someone as it your patient advocate who will take medical decisions on your behalf. How
Free Medical Power of Attorney Forms
A Medical power of attorney is a legal document that allows someone else to take health care related decisions on your behalf. The person you appoint monitors your medical care and is authorized to make any health care related decisions for you.
Florida Medical Power Of Attorney Form

This is a Florida Medical Power Of Attorney Form, this form is used to designate a health care surrogate who will take decisions related to your health on your behalf, in case it is determined that you are incapacitated to provide informed consent for medical treatment and other surgical and
Ohio Health Care Power of Attorney Form

Ohio Health Care Power of Attorney grants rights to appoint an agent to act on your behalf in good interest during healthcare decisions when you are unable to take them on your own due to unforeseen and/or whatsoever reasons. Please read the Notice to Adult Executing This Document carefully before
West Virginia Medical Power of Attorney

West Virginia Medical Power of Attorney is a legal document granting rights to a representative when the signing principle is unable to take healthcare decisions on his/her own. The power of attorney is a two-page document. It highlights the governing conditions for the grant of permission under various circumstances. The
West Virginia Medical Power of Attorney and Living Will

The West Virginia Medical Power Of Attorney And Living Will sanctions rights to take actions and decisions on behalf of the signing principle when the signing principle is unable to take decision due to terminal illness, persistent vegetative state, and any other unforeseen reasons. Rights of making decision granted through
California Advance Health Care Directive

The California Advance Health Care Directive is used when you want to appoint someone else on your behalf to make health care related decisions, the agent will be able to make the decisions when the principal is incapable of making the decisions on his own or otherwise stated. You may
Texas Medical Power of Attorney Form

Signing the Texas Medical Power of Attorney form allows you to appoint another person to make health care related decisions on your behalf when you are no longer capable of making those decisions. Your agent has the rights and authority to consent any type of medical treatment which you may
Delaware Health Care Power of Attorney Form

The Delaware Health Care Power of Attorney Form is used when you want to authorize someone else on your behalf to make health care related decisions. The attorney-in-fact or agent you choose would have the complete authorization of making these decisions on your behalf when you are not capable of making those
Connecticut Health Care Power of Attorney Form

The Connecticut Health Care Power of Attorney is to be used when you want to appoint someone to make any health care related decisions on your behalf, the attorney-in-fact may only make such decisions when your attending physician or a certified medical professional certifies that you are unable or not
Colorado Medical Durable Power of Attorney Form

The Colorado Medical Durable Power of Attorney is used when you want to appoint an agent to make health care related decisions on your behalf when you are not capable of doing so yourself. A physician or a medical professional has to certify that you are not capable of making
Arkansas Living Will & Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Form

The Arkansas Living Will & Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care declare two parts the first being a Living will where you may declare that if you suffer from an incurable or irreversible health condition you wish to withhold or withdraw the treatment. The second part is where you
Alabama Medical Power of Attorney Form

The Alabama Medical Power of Attorney Form is used when a person wishes to grant someone else the authority to make all health related decisions when he is incapable of making any for himself. The agent or the attorney-in-fact has only the authority to make health related decisions on the