Florida General Financial Power of Attorney Form

This is a Florida General Financial Power of Attorney Form which is used to grant power of attorney to your attorney-in-fact related to your finances and properties. This is a non-durable form which means that this power of attorney is considered void if you the principal or incapacitated be it because of medical or non-medical reasons. This form follows the Florida statuettes 709.01 et seq.

How to complete this Florida General Financial Power of Attorney Form?

In the first section you need to fill in details like; the County in which this power of attorney is being executed, your full legal name, your current residence, the name of the person who you are appointing as your attorney-in-fact or your agent.

The second section contains details about the powers that you are granting to your agent by appointing him as your attorney-in-fact through this General financial power of attorney. You are giving him the right to make financial decisions on your behalf related to all your financial Holdings, your properties, real or personal, intangible and tangible property and property rights.

You also give your agent the right to manage, maintain, repair, improve, invest, insure and in any manner deal with any real or personal property that is owned by you. Your agent can also borrow any sum of money on terms and security as your agent, and execute all promissory notes deeds of trust and other instruments as per the necessity.

Your agent cannot perform the following; perform duties under the contract that requires the exercise of your personal services. Make any affidavit as to your personal knowledge. Voted any public the election on your behalf. Execute or revoke any will or codicil for you. Exercise powers and authority granted to you as trustee orders a court-appointed fiduciary.

In the section before the attestation you must enter the following details; the number of pages in this Florida General Financial Power of Attorney Form that you have executed, the date and your sign. In the last section you must carefully enter the following details in the blanks provided the date, names and signatures of two witnesses. A Notary Public for the state of Florida was then acknowledge this Florida general financial power of attorney form and then affix his seal to execute this agreement.

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Florida General Financial Power of Attorney Form

Florida General Financial Power of Attorney Form