DHL Express Import Customs Power of Attorney Form is used if you are using DHL Express as your Customs broker and you want to appoint DHL and their employees as your attorney-in-fact or agent to authorize them to sign, endorse and take care of the customs while importing or exporting your merchandise.
How to Fill the DHL Express Import Customs Power of Attorney Form
Before u begin filling the form make sure to read the instructions given carefully which will help in filling the form and shall clear all the doubt about it as well.
Begin the main form, by providing the IRS # (Internal Revenue Service) EIN – Employer ID # or SSN – Social Security # (as applicable) on the left-hand side of the form followed by choosing the status of the company on the right-hand side of the form.
Then provide the full and legally registered name of the company which is granting the power to the agent followed the status of the company, the state under whose laws they conduct their business and their complete address along with their city, state & zip code.
Below that is a list of details mentioned which are descriptions of the powers that the agent shall hold along with when and where. Make sure to read them carefully before signing the document.
In the next section, you must choose if this POA would remain in effect for a specific period of time of it would only be limited to a specific AWB (airway bill) and accordingly provide either of the details i.e. either the date on which this POA would end or the specified AWB (airway bill) number.
Lastly, enter the full and legal name (first, middle, last) of the person who is authorized to execute this POA followed by their signature, the title they hold and finally the date on which this document takes effect. By doing so they authorize the agent to act on their behalf in matters related to import customs and their presence shall be as equal as of the grantor.
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DHL Express Import Customs Power of Attorney Form
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DHL Express Import Customs Power of Attorney Form