The Customs Power of Attorney Form is used when you want to appoint an attorney-in-fact to make decisions related to any importation or exportation of merchandise deliverable to said grantor.
How to Fill the Customs Power of Attorney Form
Begin the customs power of attorney form with the IRS# (Internal Revenue Service) of the Importer followed by the Full & legally registered name of the corporation which is doing business under the laws of the state (mention the name of the state) and has their registered business premises at (mention the complete address along with the city, state & zip code). Also, mention the name/s of the person/s who they wish to grant the authority to act on their behalf in matters related to the customs and on the customs port (mention the name of the port in the given blank field).
After that, all the matters they are authorized to represent the grantor are explained in detail in the rest of form and some of which include; represent the grantor in every legal form and manner in any matters related to imports, transport or exports of any goods that has or is to be shipped; to authorize any and every kind of document related work be it bills, transfer of titles, delivery or manufacturing certificates, proprietorship declaration on any entry/s, etc; to sign, seal or deliver any bond required by law or regulation which is connected to the entries of imports or exports of merchandise, or for that matter in connection with clearance, lading, unlading or navigation of any vessel; to appoint other custom brokers to work for the primary grantor, collection of checks or payments which may be issued for custom duty; etc!
In general the agent has to confirm the smooth functioning of the business by taking care of any and every matter related to the customs in the best possible manner.
Lastly, the document must be named and signed followed by the date and the signature of the present witness. It is not compulsory but if the company wishes, they can also attest the document with their corporate seal.
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Customs Power of Attorney Form
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Customs Power of Attorney Form