The Alaska Statutory Power of Attorney Form allows a person to give someone else the rights and authority to make decisions on your behalf in the State of Alaska. The form provided here is based upon the Alaska Statutes (AS 13.26.332-335) and it can be customized to meet your requirements. This form has the options of either making the Power of Attorney limited for a specific time or to make it durable, which means it would be in effect even if you are disabled or incapable of making decisions on your behalf.
How to Fill the Alaska Statutory Power of Attorney Form
The form begins with complete instructions and directions about power of attorney and how to fill the form effectively. Firstly, the full and legal name of the grantor (first, middle, last) along with the complete address with the zip code needs to be stated followed by the full and legal name of the agent/s (first, middle, last) and the complete address with the zip code certifying the transfer of power to the aforementioned by the principal which shall be as equal as theirs.
The second section states all the genres in which the agent is authorized to take the decisions in along with the powers they are limited to. Followed by the next section, which confirms if there are multiple agents and whether they hold separate powers or exercise all the powers jointly.
The 4th, 5th & 6th are DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY OPTIONS, these section confirm the if the principal wants this to be a durable power of attorney or no and if no then when do they want to end the term followed by the seventh section which states the option of revocation of the powers granted to the attorney.
The next section confirms if any additional provision related to health care has been authorized to the attorney or not, followed by the 9th section where the details of the alternate power of attorneys need to be stated (if required) who will exercise the same powers jointly with the primary attorney-in-fact.
Lastly, the signature of the principal and the date along with the notice to the third parties (attorney-in-fact/s) above the same is required to be read or filled. This document needs to be notarized by the Notary Public for it to be considered legal. If any translation was done in any other language, then the same must also be stated.
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Alaska Statutory Power of Attorney Form
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Alaska Statutory Power of Attorney Form