Alaska Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

The Alaska Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form is to be used when you want to assign someone on your behalf to sign all the documents related to the title and registration of your motor vehicle on your behalf in the State of Alaska.
This Power of Attorney form must be Notarized and submitted along with the  Application for Title and Registration (812) or the Vehicle Transaction Application (821).

How to Fill the Alaska Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form

This Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney form needs to begin with the full and legal name of the grantor (first, middle, last) along with the full and legal name of the attorney (first, middle, last) followed by the complete details of the motor vehicle such as; Serial # (VIN) Vehicle Identification Number, Year of purchase and Make of the Vehicle certifying the appointment of the attorney to take any decision related to the vehicle such as signing any document related to the title or registration of the vehicle.

In the Next section, the document must be signed by the grantor followed by the document being notarized by the Notary Public for it to be considered legal. As mentioned in the form, this document must be surrendered with the Application for Title and Registration (812) or the Vehicle Transaction Application (821) either on or to the registered office for the same.

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Alaska Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form