The Alabama Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney is used when you want to assign someone else as your attorney-in-fact for the Title application, transfer or lien filing IFTA transaction(s) register and purchase license plate(s) for your Motor Vehicle in your absence. The person you choose as your attorney-in-fact will have the authorization to receive and inspect your tax information for the purpose mentioned in the terms of this power of attorney, however your attorney-in-fact would not be authorized to receive refund checks or to sign any returns.
How to Fill the Alabama Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form
The form needs to start with the vehicle identification number (VIN #) along with the year, make, model, body type, license plate number of the vehicle and the state of issuance of the vehicle. After that the complete information of the tax payer should be mentioned including the full legal name (first, middle, last) and the complete address with the zip code. Followed by that the information of the representative who is being appointed needs to be filled which must have the full legal name of the full legal name (first, middle, last) along with the complete address with the zip code, email address, telephone number and the fax number.
In the next section, please select and / or describe all the necessary actions that the attorney can perform. Below that the acts authorized to the representative are mentioned and quoting them it states: “The representative(s) is authorized to receive and inspect confidential tax information and to perform any and all acts that I (we) can perform with respect to the matters described above. The authority does not include the power to receive refund checks or the power to sign certain returns.” Any additions or restrictions to the acts authorized to the representative in the power of attorney need to be inked.
Lastly the taxpayer needs to sign the given document along with the full legal name (first, middle, last) and the date followed by the signature of the Appointee and the date. This form after being duly filled in presence of the Notary Public needs to be notarized for it to be legalized and for it to take effect.
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Alabama Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form
Alabama Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form
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Alabama Motor Vehicle Power of Attorney Form